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Jesus and the Canaanite Woman

Sincere thanks to guest contributor and friend, Darlene Swanson, for sharing her following homily with the KAE Writes community, originally preached August 20, 2017 at St. David’s Episcopal Church in…

Not Even the Hounds of Hell

God hurled a cosmic gift across the sky on Monday, August 21. Crickets and cicadas came to life. An eerie, organish light permeated the air. Streetlights came on at 2:47…

A Princess, a Friend, a Mother and a Father

Princess Diana called her sons from Paris shortly before she was killed in an automobile accident. Both of the boys cut the call short – they were eager to get…

The Good Earth

An angel carved of stone. Meditation benches. A stone altar. Lush greenery — trees, shrubbery, flowers. Friends and family nestled in sacred soil. A carved St. Francis of Assisi. Quietude…

To Kiss a Banana Slug

It turns out that if you kiss a Banana Slug, your lips will tingle. Yep, tingle. And if you go through with it, your reward is to become a member…


Hummingbirds keep us company throughout the spring, summer and early fall. And then they leave us for their long trips south. A woman writes to Dear Abby that her long-time…